Moving Forward

I used to hate mornings. Nighttime was my favorite time of day. I used that time after everyone went to sleep to clean and then to write. It was the only time I had to myself and I looked forward to it. It's quite the opposite now. I love mornings. I love opening the blinds to let the sunlight in and making breakfast. I was never much into breakfast then either, but so much has changed in the past few years.

I was married once and though it seems like such a long time ago, I can't help but compare that time to the way things are today. Many times I was told that I couldn't or would never be able to do something. I was made to believe that I was nothing and was capable of nothing. No wonder I didn't look forward to mornings. Another morning meant another day where I would have to endure more criticism and hatred from someone who was supposed to support and love me.

I look around me today, not just at what I have, but at what I have accomplished. I have literally done everything that I was told I couldn't do and it feels absolutely amazing. Now, when someone criticizes me or attempts to bring me down in some way, I am only motivated to work even harder than I already do. I was always capable, but I let the words and ideas of others hold me back from so much. I am so incredibly happy where I am in life and with who I have become. I am incredibly  proud of all that I have accomplished and all that I will continue to accomplish in the years to come.

Instead of looking down on those who still choose to make my life difficult and who choose not to believe in me, I am thankful for them because they unknowingly make me a much stronger person. Their words push me to push myself even harder and because of that I am here. Their words roll off of me now and they will never have the same impact that they once had. I understand that in order for some people to feel better about themselves, they need to tear others down. It's very unfortunate, but it happens all the time and will probably never stop.

I will probably never get the apology that I deserve or even the respect, but that's OK. I know that the ones who are busy focusing on bringing me down are struggling with things that I know nothing about, things that I can't even begin to imagine or understand. I can only pray for them them, set a positive example, and focus on better things.

Because I know who I am. I know what I am capable of. And I will keep moving forward despite the obstacles, simply because I can-


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