8: The End

Much like the silent flicker of a flame
Lost in the grip of a fierce wind, 
A deadly new anger was born.
Continuously it raged,
Focusing its aim at none other
Than the one who took it all away
Only to return it in true form,
Disguised by the selfishness of an unsteady hand.

Dangerously wicked thoughts
Escaping from a tongue that knows no different,
Chasing a hope that changes directions
With the setting sun.
For that love was merely a fantasy 
Compared to the reflections that lie
In the cold still waters.
Silhouettes bound by ever changing tides,
Wonders never to disappear to the hands of time.
Worn, battered, and severely beaten,
Sparing nothing but what only our eyes could see.
Eaten away by jealousy,
That which began this new chapter between us.
For what she so desperately longed for,
What existed so easily within her reach,
Now burned and blistered her flesh at the very thought.

Its form unrecognizable,
As the sweet taste still lingered upon her lips.
Captivated by confusion,
Weak with tasteless envy,
My determination fading into the shadows
From which they were born.
Watching her casually walk away,
The final good-bye.
The long-awaited end of a senseless journey
That had branded my soul in ways unimaginable,
The impressions cut far too deep
As I staggered into the darkness
Gazing up at the stars in thankful solitude.-


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