"For what in your life do you feel most grateful?"

I am most grateful for the relationships that I have had with people throughout the years and what those relationships meant to me. Good or bad, these relationships taught me valuable life lessons that were necessary in order for me move onto the next and to become a better person. I am grateful for those who were there when I needed them and even those who were not. Those relationships never changed who I was as an individual, but each has molded me into the strong, independent person that I am today. Some have torn me down, while strengthening me in ways that I wouldn't appreciate until later. They have pushed me to do things that I otherwise would have never done and given me the confidence to walk away from situations that weren't healthy for me. We all need others in our lives as relationships are so important to both our sanity and well-being. Unfortunately, we can't always predict how these relationships will play out for us, but we can use them to better ourselves and sometimes use our experiences to help others down the road.-


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