"Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?"
Publishing books has always been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. It began with poetry and now I am in the process of working on three books, all completely incomplete. The reason for this is that my mind often works much faster than I can keep up with meaning there are always new ideas materializing out of nowhere. I'll begin writing a story and a few pages into it begin writing another because I didn't want to lose the idea. This is also the reason that I haven't published any books or even tried.
Another reason that I haven't attempted publication is fear of the unknown. I don't even know where to begin the process. A few years ago I called around looking for local publishing companies that might be interested, but no one that I contacted at the time published poetry. Not too many people seem interested in this particular genre anymore either which means that even if I did publish something, nothing much would come of it. Therefore, I have a blog! This is the closest that I have come to publication and for now it seems to be working out just fine. I can see that my work is being read and that is wonderful. Though, I continue to dream that one day I will have all of my writing in print and actually finish one of those books.-
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