Intentions and The Unnecessary

The words, ever so subtle, speak volumes even today, though unnecessarily uttered during a brief moment of impaired judgment and forced intimacy. The idea of them, creating an entirely new series of questions leading the subconscious in directions that our physical selves had no intention of wandering. Such possibilities serve no purpose nor do they accentuate the reason we are here. They only hinder that which we thrive to achieve, our respective fields so far from one another with only practical connections. 

I often reflect on the possibilities should those words be as powerful as some might claim them to be, but I am only left with petty regret as a result. Perhaps I have squandered too much precious energy attempting to clarify that which will never bear any real significance or materialize beyond anything more than an immature fantasy. In the absence of ill will I cannot allow myself to be deceived by the intentions of another despite the sincerity of their spoken word for their truth shall only be defined by one's actions.

So it is with a clear conscious and upmost respect for all involved that I resolve this issue which has plagued us both for some time now. Acquaintances we shall be and in doing so, relinquish all that has led us on this questionable journey to nowhere.-


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