Angel Signs

While driving home from work an unfamiliar warning light appeared on my dash. I drive an older vehicle so when any warning light appears it usually warrants an impromptu trip to the mechanic. Though I was nervous, I had one stop to make that day and since I was almost there, decided to take care of that errand first. I parked in the closest spot that I could find and went inside. I wasn't in there long but worried the entire time about what could be wrong with my truck even contacting a friend to meet me there in the event that it couldn't make the drive to the mechanic. I also said a few prayers. When I returned to my truck no more than thirty minutes later, I was surprised to find a large black feather lying on the pavement just below my driver's side door. 
What is the significance of this, you might ask. It is believed that feathers are signs from angels, strategically placed in our path to remind us that they are near and watching over us especially when we are in need of their protection the most. On this day, as I worried about repairs and making it to the auto shop safely, here was this simple feather lying in a place where I was sure to stumble upon it. I paused for a moment feeling a strong sense of calm wash over me before climbing into my truck and starting her up. Even though it was nearing closing time and my friend had not yet arrived to assist me, I made it to the auto shop safely and before it closed for the day. Though the repair was anything but routine, it fairly inexpensive and completed the next day. 
Angels exist and they are around us all of the time. The more we open ourselves to the idea of this, the more we are able to receive their subtle signs and reminders. I was definitely being watched over that day and as simple as it may sound, I definitely needed the encouragement in that moment.-
Virginia Beach, VA. July 2022


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